We have several fanzines dedicated to keeping this former #1 television show, "The Man from
U.N.C.L.E." alive. If interested in reading brief descriptions of some of the stories included in the latest issue,
plus ordering information for all back issues, read on. "The Kuryakin File" is listed below, but we hope you will also
check out EYES ONLYor NOVELLAS or BACK ISSUES or SLASH PUBLICATIONS(NorthCoast Press now only publishes zines in PDF format) for information on the fine fanzines published by NorthCoast Press.
Submission is OK!! If you would like to contribute (and we hope you do!), please go to "Kuryakin Files Guidelines" or "Eyes Only Guidelines" for submission information. It is never too early to send us your manuscript for consideration. AND don't forget the artwork, filks, poems, cartoons, music, crossword puzzles, whatever you can think of that pertains to MFU. Stories are the meat, but we need a little dessert as well!!
NorthCoast Press is now fully into the Digital Age!! Due to several considerations, including the high cost of printing, the increase in size of fanzines, the ever rising cost to mail said fanzines, and the total lack of space to keep unsold inventory, well, it was really time to leave print behind. Several older issues of the various fanzines have been converted to pdf (portable document format) and again made available. All pdf zines may be read on an iPad, Kindle, and/or computer (of course). They cannot be printed out, however. The really good news is that by doing this, the cost of the zine is vastly reduced, plus when you pay via paypal, you get the zine usually the same day you place the order!! Such a deal, eh?
Each fanzine, no matter the page count is NOW only $5.00US!
And if you are at all curious as to how I'm able to keep all these zines up to date, and still be a glutton to do MORE (not to mention keeping my family in clean clothes and decent meals), well check me out at Lisa .
A Horse is a Horse |
by Debbie Coley
Training Day |
by Linda Cornett
45 pages, 8 yummy stories! Front cover by Lisa Madden & inside art from Lisa Madden's collection.
This is a digital ONLY fanzine. It is in a pdf (portable document format) and may be read on an iPad, Kindle, and of course, the computer, using Adobe Acrobat Reader (or Preview on a macintosh). While you can read this fanzine, you cannot print it as it is in a locked format. This is to help prevent piracy. Very sorry about that, and if you need to print a story or two, just let me know and we'll work something out.
NorthCoast Press
c/o Lisa Madden
5702 Woodland Drive
North Ridgeville, Ohio (USA)
Contact me via my email address at:
Lisa Madden
Cost is $5.00 payable via Paypal, or check made out to Lisa Madden and sent to the above mailing address. Please be sure to supply your return email address if you pay via paper check, so I may then forward the pdf zine to you to enjoy!!
She'll give you all the details!
Ellen also maintains the unofficial web site for David McCallum at: David
Ellen Thomasson has Man from U.N.C.L.E. and Star Trek zines/novellas in print and PDF as well! Contact
Ellen T.for details and cost! Or visit her FaceBook page at: Stories